
TRASHDB.COM / CO / Highlands Ranch

Pick-up schedule in Highlands Ranch [CO]

This is the stub page for Highlands Ranch, Colorado. Please use the Search function to find the collection schedule for your address.

Trash collection in Highlands Ranch, Colorado is managed by Waste Management INC. This company provides weekly curbside trash collection services for all residents of Highlands Ranch. Waste Management also provides curbside recycling and yard waste collection services. These services are provided to keep the city clean, maintain the beauty of the city, and promote environmental sustainability.

The trash collection day for each resident is determined by their address, and the pick-up time is between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Residents are encouraged to place their trash and recyclables at the curb by 6:00 a.m. on their designated collection day. Waste Management provides large trash bins for residents to use, but residents may also use their own trash cans, as long as they are clearly marked with the resident’s address.

It's important to note that hazardous materials, such as chemicals, batteries, and medical waste, are not allowed in regular trash collection. Residents must dispose of these materials properly through the Hazardous Waste Collection Program provided by Waste Management. The city also offers special collection events for these materials.

In conclusion, the trash collection services in Highlands Ranch, Colorado are efficient and reliable. By working together, the Waste Management Company and residents of Highlands Ranch can keep the city clean and promote environmental sustainability. Residents are encouraged to properly dispose of their waste and to take advantage of the recycling and yard waste collection services.

Common Questions:

  • What day is garbage collected in Highlands Ranch?
  • How do the holidays affect my pickup schedule?
  • Which company picks up Garbage in my area?
  • When is Highlands Ranch's bulk trash collection?
  • Where can I find the recycling calender for Highlands Ranch?

The city of Highlands Ranch, Colorado belongs to the Douglas county and has the following zip codes registered:
80129 80126 80130 80163

Cities in Douglas county:

City NamePopulation
Highlands Ranch105631
Castle Rock68484
Lone Tree13082
The Pinery10806
Castle Pines10763
Roxborough Park9523
Castle Pines Village4553
Acres Green3100
Perry Park1972
Grand View Estates738

City Statistics

  • Population 105,631
  • Average Income $125,454
  • Average Rent $1,922
  • Average Home $467,622

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